
Showing posts from December, 2017

African Masks

Students in Art 7 with Mrs. Cydrus began their 3D unit with clay African masks.     To start creating, students made a slump mold using newspaper and tape.  Their African mask was inspired by an animal or an emotion.  After being fired, students used acrylic paint to complete their masks.  Check them out! 

Creative Career Cubes

Sycamore Junior High students in Mrs. Cydrus' Art 7 classes created cubes that are "mini billboards" for various creative careers.  Students watched videos, completed researched, discussed with small groups, and then chose a creative career that they were interested in. On each cube there is at least 2 images representing the career, a list of characteristics/qualities beneficial to that position, and necessary education and experience.  Students covered careers such as photographers, animators, art educators, industrial designers, architects and more.  Our boxes are in the Junior High media center on display for all Sycamore students to see what awesome creative careers are possible! 

Fifth Grade Advanced Art Wire Sculptures

Ms. Combs' fifth grade art students experimented with a new sculpture medium in their most recent Advanced Art classes.  Students looked at artists, such as Alexander Calder, that used wire to make sculptures.  They then set out to use the wire to capture their vision.  They discovered the challenges of working with wire, practiced with tools, and decided how they would display their sculptures.  All in all, they were proud of their work.  These 5th grade girls were so proud that they were able to learn how to use tools to bend, twist, and cut the wire.   The students hard at work.   Dance and make art?  Why not?  Some of our finished pieces